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About Us

United for Portland is one of largest and most politically diverse coalitions in Portland history, with a focus on electing thoughtful, solution-oriented leaders who will take on the challenges our community faces, and do the difficult work ahead.

We know that Portland is struggling right now. But we believe that Portland’s best days are ahead of us, not behind us. It’s going to take a lot of hard work and a real commitment to get the job done, but that’s the work members of the United for Portland coalition are ready to step up and do – and it’s the work we challenge our elected leaders to embrace.

In 2024, Portland will set the course for a new form of government; a city council whose diversity can and should represent every community and every neighborhood in this city that we all love.

United for Portland coalition members often disagree on specific policy questions, but we are united in the belief that our next City Council must be ready to roll up their sleeves, work together collaboratively, and deliver real solutions to our tough problems. This is not a time for posturing or pontificating. This is a time to get hard things done – together.

At United for Portland, we will support candidates that are committed to getting things done, to collaborating toward effective solutions, and who have the strength of their convictions to lead our community forward.

And we’re confident that the people of Portland want that, too. Let’s get Portland back on track.

Meet Doug Moore, executive director

United for Portland is led by Doug Moore, a veteran political leader and policy advocate. For over a decade, Doug led the Oregon League of Conservation Voters, where he championed clean energy jobs, led Oregon’s fight against the climate crisis, and held politicians accountable for what they did (or failed to do) to protect Oregon’s climate, clean air, land, and water.